Qu'est que c'est la CHIROPRATIQUE?
Créée en 1985 par Dr Daniel D. Palmer, la Chiropratique est une science qui vise a la prévention, l'analyse et la restauration de l’appareil neuro-musculo-squelettique et le maintien d'une santé optimale. Les chiropraticiens sont des professionnels de la santé qui considèrent l’être humain dans sa globalité et tiennent compte de ses pouvoirs naturels de récupération.
Notre Vision
“Empower people through the aplication of outstanding chiropractic care around the Ivory Coast." “Leading the chiropractic movement on West Africa."
"Is to release the inborn healing potential of the body by removing interference (subluxations) between the brain and the body as they communicate through or over the nervous system. We not only provide care for the patient with symptoms, but also for the patient wanting to experience optimum health by having their body functioning at its (optimal level) maximum potential."
Servir la coumunote d'Abidjan, ameilorer la vie des gens, un colonne a la fois.
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Describe your image here
At Montoro Chiropratique your health is our passion. Our dedicted team is always willing to meet your expectations. As leaders on the chiropractic field our doctors graduated from the most pretiguious schools in the world. They keep improving their knowledge in a regular basis assiting to continuing education seminars. We have a staet of the art clinic with the last technilogy available that help us identify the needs of each person. All this sets our practice appart.
Chiropractic is a separate and distinct healthcare profession. We invite you take an apointment to discover what we have to offer. Our approach is different to the rest of the healthcare professionals. We are focus on the ability of your body to adapt to the enviroment.